Sunday 27 March 2016

Article Writing: How to Promote Your Home Business and Make Money From Article Marketing

Article writing is a skill that most people can learn, and if you know how to promote your home business by writing articles, and then article marketing can be an effective to make money. However, most people do not know how to write in such a fashion as to maintain the readers interest, and have an even less idea of how to properly use those that they do write.

Writing articles is a skill - that cannot be denied - but it is a skill that can be learned. Sure, you will need a reasonable grasp of grammar in your language, but not so much spelling if you use a good spell checker. It is not so much these that are the problem, as knowledge of how to write the content in such a way as to be of use to the reader.

Therefore, let's consider the reader and what they are seeking when they find your article.

1. Information

People use the internet for information, to chat or to buy something, and by far the most extensive of these is information. The vast majority of people that use Google are seeking information of one kind or another. It could be a price, it could be technical information or even what time the next bus is due, but it is information and most of that is the type of information that you can provide them with by writing an article on their topic.

You might have website focusing on the niche, or simply write an article on it with a link to an affiliate product. In the latter you can make money without having a product or even a website, and in the former you have a means of collecting names and email addresses that you can use to keep in touch with people that have expressed an interest in your niche.

2. There is No 2

That's right - there is no 2 that concerns you. People want information, pure and simple, and you can provide it to them either with a well constructed website that you advertise using article marketing, or with a well written article, offering good and accurate information about their subject, and that in their eyes will make you an expert in their subject. That's right - their subject. It isn't yours, but theirs, and you are providing information to them on their subject by writing articles on it.

Article writing is more than just knocking out a few quick essays, but involves good keyword research, time in providing useful informing of a type that people are genuinely seeking and also perhaps contains an element of the benefits a prospect can achieve by reading it.

How to Write Articles

There has to be a benefit for the reader, or there will be no incentive to read it. That benefit must be stressed in the title of the article: the first part of the article that anybody sees, and the part that will head your Google listing, or that of any other search engine. This confuses many people, but if you submit your articles to article directories, and your article is approved for publication, then it will appear on its own web page, and can be spidered and listed on search engines just like any other web page.

The title will be the heading for the listing, and your summary, or the first few words of the article, the summary that appears below the title in the listing. Visitors seeking information, using the keywords that appear in your title and article, will be offered your article to click, and hence the importance of a compelling title.

Use your main keyword early (main is 'article writing', and other main keywords in the rest - in my title I have managed to include: article writing, how to promote your home business, home business, make money, article marketing, money from article marketing

You expand on the theme of the title in the introductory paragraph, including the main keyword within the first 100 characters, and then write the article itself. Use keywords sparingly (once each 300 words), and use vocabulary that explains and defines the main keyword. Use a sparse sprinkling of the other keywords used in the title.

Overuse of keywords will result in your article being dropped from the listings, because Google's purpose is to provide Google customers with good solid content, and not keyword repetition. Keep Google happy and you will be rewarded.

Most reward is in the form of high search engine listings for your keyword and lots of visitors. However, this can easily be transferred into cash if you have a good monetizing system operating on your website. You might be using Google Adsense adverts, selling affiliate products or offering a service, but traffic is what brings sales and writing articles brings the traffic.

As to the mechanics of article writing - well, let's just refer to that as a different topic, since it would take more than one simple article to teach you article marketing, and the effective use of articles to advertise your website or product. Articles can be use to promote your home business, and you can also make money from article marketing if you understand how to do so.

For more complete information on article writing and how to make money from article marketing, visit Article Czar for a free writing course and other free gifts, and learn how to promote your home business in a very simply way.

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