You know you will greatly benefit from quitting smoking.
You should try to ease the pain of quitting as easy as you can. Do not ever try to quit cold turkey way. There's about a huge chance doing this will be unsuccessful for you. Nicotine is so addictive that a method like therapy, so nicotine replacement therapy methods may help you wean yourself. This will ease you through the early withdrawal stages and make quitting easier.
Make a list of what methods you will use to make this lofty goal.Each person does things their goals differently. It's very important that you figure out the ways that work best for you. Making a list will accomplish this.
If you're trying to quit smoking, stop thinking about forever. Focus on giving up cigarettes for the day without smoking.You can always set more goals once you get comfortable with the commitment to quit.
Make sure that you get sufficient sleep as you are quitting smoking. For many smokers, cigarette cravings increase during late nights. You are more likely to be alone late at night and could sneak a smoke since nobody is around to catch you during these hours.Getting eight hours of rest each night will help to keep you mentally focused, it will also help your body to overcome nicotine withdrawal.
By telling yourself to wait 10 minutes, you will usually avoid the craving. If it hasn't, then repeat the first step again.
Your primary care physician can be a great resource if your are not able to quit smoking. There are a growing number of medical aids, such as certain antidepressants, a few anti-depressant medications.
Try changing your diet habit by eating more veggies in fruits and vegetables instead of sugary snacks when you are quitting smoking. This will help balance out your system and avoid unnecessary weight gain.
For instance, if you go a whole week with no smoking, go out to the movies. Once a month has passed, go out for a special meal. Continue to give yourself a reward in increasing amount to acknowledge your progress until you don't think about smoking and are ready to move past it completely.
One strategy to help you quit smoking is to change to a brand of cigarettes. Consider smoking a brand of cigarettes that you don't like. Do not smoke a greater quantity if you inhale them. This will help you on the way to gear yourself up for quitting altogether.
Let your loved ones know that you plan to quit smoking. They have your back and help you through tough times. The most effective way to help you quit is to have a strong support system. This will help you significantly increase your chances of successfully quitting smoking.
Most ex-smokers you know probably didn't find success their first try. When you decide to quit smoking, try to remain smoke-free for the longest period of time that you possibly can. If you do start up again, set a second quit date immediately. Just recommit every time you quit, learning along the way.
The best advice you want to stop smoking is to make that initial commitment to the change. Stopping will start your new path. Just stop and do not start again. This method may appear to be extremely difficult. It has been shown to be the most effective in the long run.
You are no doubt already aware of the many health benefits of not smoking. However, benefits alone will not compel most people to quit smoking. Apply this information when you need to beat a craving or motivate yourself to stay on course. You can enjoy these non-smoker benefits in no time.
Orignal From: Tips That Will Help You Give Up Smoking
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