Monday 30 April 2018

Internet Marketing for Beginners - Make Money on the Internet!


Need to make your website conversion. If you are unfamiliar with the internet, you can use these technical terms such as conversion rates, click-through rates, and choices. It may sound strange to you. Especially if you are an ordinary Internet newcomer (a new Internet user), but for most experienced Internet marketers, this is a daily Internet term. A basically simple conversion rate means the number of visitors who convert to other content on your site. The sales conversion rate will be the number of people who visit your site and purchase your product. So, if a hundred people visit your site and two people purchase your product, your sales conversion rate will be 2%.

If you advertise your product on Google, you'll see a website link or URL at the bottom of your ad. If your ad appears on Google 100 times. One person clicks on your ad, which means that there is a click, which brings them to your site, which will be a 1% click rate. Opt-in refers to someone who comes to your web page and usually gives you your own name and e-mail address in exchange for something, possibly a free gift or newsletter or a free report. What your potential customers need. If one hundred people visit your site, 30 people provide you with their name and email address. This means that you have a 30% selection rate!

When I started learning to make money on the Internet, after some trial and error, I found something. In fact, many Internet marketers will tell you to create or create your own product. The problem is that many people start on the Internet. They don't know how to write sales copies, convert them to 2%, or design their own products. Many newcomers don't know what Internet products sell even if they think they do it.

You can do two things. You can be my friend and me. You can spend months and hours preparing and producing a product, trying to produce a sales letter that will not be converted. Then spend 2k click pay-per-click ads, only to find that people do not want to pay for the product. Or you can find similar products for free on another website. Or you can do what we have already done, and you should do it first! Find a product with a high conversion rate, with temporary/monetary passive income, and these products come with a variety of back-end sales products to bring you additional revenue after you make the original sale.

Let more experienced marketers pay their power team and contributors to do research for you and produce the products you are selling. So, if you are selling, earn 50% or 70% commission, and make money instead of selling your own product. You can sell their five products and triple your money. My friend you really don't need to reinvent the wheel. The only downside to affiliate marketing is that you can't keep the list most of the time.


Orignal From: Internet Marketing for Beginners - Make Money on the Internet!

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