Thursday 14 June 2018

Baseball Coach Digest - In depth lead on the field


This offensive game is called "Right Field Abyss." When a team has base runners for the first baseman and third baseman, the show will take place. This game is used to put pressure on the defensive team, trying to force a mistake and make the third base runner-up become the core.

Name - "Outfield advantage" or "outfield skunk"

Type Offensive

Situation - "1B and 3B players"

Aim - The offensive team will conduct this competition to do the following :

1. Used as a "security burglar", it steals the second place safely with less chance, instead of being thrown.
2. Mandatory defense "mistakes" and scoring from the third base.


The uniqueness of this competition lies in the place where 1B runners lead. 1B runners will lead the perimeter. Do not confuse this gameplay with the typical "cats and mice", or often attack the team to score in the third quarter. In this game, the 1B runner will lead 15 feet on the "outfield lawn" midway between 1B and 2B. Runners turn to sprint this "speckled" as he leads.

The 1B runner will "keep his position" until there is a defender approaching him with baseball and within 15 feet. He should make sure that when he takes action, he will go directly to 1B or 2B. In any case, he cannot step back. Stepping back will violate the "Basic Path Rules".

The "basic path rules" are not enforceable until the runner tries to avoid the game of the label or defender. If the runner leaves the base course to avoid the label or the defender plays, he will be out. Many people misunderstand this rule. This rule will never limit runners' leading position. He can legally occupy a leading position wherever he wants. The basic route for a runner to 1B or 2B depends on where the defense begins to race against him.

If the defender does not participate in the 1B runner's game, he will sprint 2B as soon as possible in the next game. He has used this script to easily steal the second one. If the defender participates in the game, he will not panic, but would rather keep his position and come in at the last minute. 3B runners will adopt a safe but positive attitude and will read defensive moves. When the 3B runner or coach feels that the defender has moved out of position or has taken the ball too far to play at home, the 3B runner will break and try to score.

How do you stop it? When they face this game, the defensive team has several options. You can use any of the following three options:

1. Ignore runners - This is the quickest way to respond to the defense. Do not "bait." Defensive teams only make 1B runners do what they want to do. They will let the runners get second base, or do anything he wants to do, instead of playing a game on him. The defense will focus on the batter and forget the runners. Coaches must keep in mind that pitchers cannot take the ball or try to "wait for the runner" because the "20-second pitch" rule gives the pitcher a time limit for pitching the next pitch.

2. Play the runner-up - The defense may be in situations where they think they must play in the 1B runner-up. The best way to play a 1B runner is to "put the ball," or quickly throw it to a quicksense or second baseman. Then the defender with the ball will walk around the runner while keeping his feet and body in a position. If the 3B runner breaks, he can throw home. The defender will actually walk back to the 1B runner. The defender should not throw the ball from the "turning throwing position." He should never remove his eyes from the 3B runner. If his teammates had to "talk to him" to 1B runners, then they should do so. Good communication between defenders is crucial. Defensive players may also want to use the right or center as a "marker."

3. "Curl or Covey" - This method of defending drama is the most "creative" method I have ever seen. The defensive team's shortstop, second baseman, first baseman and pitcher will "squat together behind the pitcher's dice and select a "tag man." After the teammates and the ball pass, the players will sprint to their designated Position, close to the 1B runner, the second baseman will rush to the 3B runner, the pitcher will sprint to a position between the 1B runner and the second base, the "marker" should be the shortstop or second place Baseman, doing is letting the quick shoter get the ball and charging the 3B base runner

Note: This game is an unguardable game. The defense player must practice and be prepared when the opponent tries this game. Effectively exert pressure on young or inexperienced defenders

Points to remember:

1. 1B runners can take the ball anywhere he wants, in this game, the lead Selected

2. This game can be used as a "safety steal" to allow him to base the base runner to safely steal the second base or use it as an opponent of the defense.

3. The basic course of the 1B runner The position from which he started playing against him Be. He can not take a step back, but must proceed directly towards a straight line 1B or 2B, when the defensive player near the ball. [19659021]

Orignal From: Baseball Coach Digest - In depth lead on the field

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