Sunday 1 July 2018

The best baseball tactics


Support Options:

* Production Line Value - Use proprietary formulas to generate a range of prices that are believed to represent the fair value of the game under baseball restrictions. If the actual betting line falls outside this range, then a team is considered as a wired value.

* momentum - The current form is determined for each team. In the home/away and "all games" situations, the team is considered to have positive or negative motivation.

*Proprietary Situational Analysis - For baseball settings, this includes checking the last 3 years of momentum, line values, and "live" status-related results. This can sometimes lead to counter-intuitive results and help quantify value in certain situations. The "live" status reflects our assessment that the loser has the ability to win the game.

* Traditional Situational Analysis - This involves checking the team's statistics and records of situations such as home/far, left-handed and right-handed pitchers, day/night and turf/grass records. Other data includes average hits and scores, and pitcher history.

* Public opinion - Overwhelming public opinion, especially in games that approach the average amount of money, has also taken this into consideration in baseball restrictions.

Over/under selection:

* Total score line - compared to our mathematical model.

* Up/Down Momentum - Recent performance and up/down.

* Situational analysis - This includes checking statistics such as home / away team, day / night, fly / ground bowlers, stadium-specific statistics and referee records etc. Excessive for each team /

* Weather - Wind (strength and direction), temperature and conditions.

Other ideas about limiting baseball:

However, when you look at the final ranking of the baseball team year after year, you will notice that the team rarely exceeds the winning percentage of 66.6% and rarely falls below 33.3. %. In 2009, there were no teams in both categories. From the 2002 season to the present, no team has exceeded 6.66. Only the 2003 Detroit Tigers and the 2004 Arizona Rattlesnake won less than 3.33 games. In the past four seasons, only three teams have won at least 600 games. In the past five years, more than 93% of the teams have won 40% to 60% of the game. Since the team usually participates in 3 games, it means that over time, the team wins more than 3 points and 2 points, and less than 1 point within 3 minutes is unusual.

It is now clear that personal play is important, but if almost all teams win 40% to 60%, then it is really necessary to think hard before investing more than 1.50. In a favorite -1.50 win rate of 60% is the break even; for example in the sample of 10 decisions, the winner wins 6 units (6 x 1) and the loser loses 6 units (4 x 1.50).

I have concluded from this analysis that my baseball restriction preference never exceeds -1.50, and I rarely hit a dog with more than 1.50.

Lineup, injury and player breaks:

When the key player rests for a day, it is seen as a line of sports in the world to move the announcement. I believe these movements are often excessive. Although in the course of a season the team will win more games than the main players, our time frame is only one game. Baseball is a game in which 8 or 9 starters (excluding pitchers) affect the output, thus diluting the effect of a player. Hungry players on the bench often contribute. But also consider that a rest star is still qualified to come off the bench and hit the home run later in the game. However, if a key player is injured and will be out for a long time, you need to consider this.


Orignal From: The best baseball tactics

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