Monday 22 February 2016

Make Screenwriting and Directing Movies a New Year's Resolution

The New Year of screenwriting and directing starts when people create a list of New Year's resolutions. These will not be included on a Top Ten List that has losing weight, quitting smoking, eating healthy, giving up alcohol, spending more time with family, making more money, and other goals people strive for to start the new Year off with a bang. Everyone has their own personal motivations for making an effort to change or add something new to their way of living.

Creative people that have wanted to write a film script or make a movie that never act on that special desire see a New Year come and go without them reaching their filmmaking goals. It is tough to stick with any New Year's resolution after making it. When screenwriting and movie making are on your mind it is time to make it happen. Make a promise to yourself that you will not let another year slip fly by on writing your screenplay or shooting your film.

There could not be better time to write a movie script or produce an independent film that rocks. Digital product companies have provided the best screenwriting software, digital video cameras and movie editing programs that can be purchased at an affordable price. I know a very first time script writer and filmmaker that wrote their movie using popular writing software, shot it using an iPhone, and edited it with a program that was already preinstalled on their computer's operating system.

They finally committed to making their New Year's resolution of cinema pursuit happen and they succeeded in their creative endeavor to tell a story using visual images. Personally, I have always felt it does not matter how costly or popular the software or filmmaking gear we decide on to write a screenplay or film a project is if we do not take to learn the basics of screenwriting and movie directing.

Hand one screenwriter a pen and legal pad and the other a laptop with the latest scriptwriting software and one of them will write a better script despite what tools they used. The same goes for producing and directing a movie. The type of software and film equipment only really counts when we know how to use it. That is why I feel it is crucial to learn the core basics of screenwriting and movie production before worrying about what screenwriting program or movie gear you decide to use to shoot a story with. It all comes back to the classic quote, "Don't put the cart before the horse."

The best advice I can offer from experience in the entertainment industry as a writer, producer, and director is to learn from people that have already been down the road ahead of you. Invest time in reading books, visiting blogs of filmmakers, and learning the basics of your craft before rushing down the road this New Year. This approach will provide you creative success when you commit to your resolution and see it through. This is indie filmmaker Sid Kali typing FADE OUT

Learn all about screenwriting, film production, directing, and the business of movie distribution at Slice Of Americana Films - The life and times of filmmaker Sid Kali is uncensored, raw, and honest.

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