Monday 22 February 2016

Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success (Smashwords Guides 3)

Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success (Smashwords Guides 3)

Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success (Smashwords Guides 3)

"This book actually made me cry at the end and that is unusual for a non-fiction book. It just gave me the validation as a writer that I've never had before. Seldom do I run across other writers in person and so reading Mark's book really was a confidence booster. I recommend this book to all writers especially those who are new. It's the added boost we all need to see our little "babies" rise from the literary crib to adulthood."
~ 5-star Review by: Kathleen Morris on Sep. 27, 2012 at

Price: [wpramaprice asin="B007P8H80A"]

Orignal From: Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success (Smashwords Guides 3)

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