Tuesday 19 July 2016

Road MAPP to Success: Set and Reach Goals that Matter

Road MAPP to Success: Set and Reach Goals that Matter
This seminar is for people who are ready to take their success to the next level.

For people who are ready to move up at work, get a better career or break out and start their own business.

For people who have BIG DREAMS that need to become reality because THE WORLD NEEDS what you are about to create.

See, a lot of people stop setting goals because they are tired or afraid of failing.

But the reality is that most of those people were destined to FAIL BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T KNOW HOW to effectively set goals and they definitely didn't know how to carry through to reach their goals.

And I'm not just talking about setting SMART goals. That's a great and essential start.

BUT,setting a SMART goal doesn't keep you motivated and inspired to succeed.

I know countless people who have set SMART goals that never even got started.

This seminar will give you the tools to properly set goals AND stay motivated from beginning to end.

Imagine what your life would look like if you were able to keep and reach every New Year's resolution from now on.

Seriously, stop and think about that for a second.

Imagine what would be different if you simply kept the resolution from this past New Year?

How many people actually set smaller and smaller resolutions each year because they weren't able to accomplish the goal for the years before?

That is NOT the life we were meant to live.

We were not created to aim low and you don't have to and should NOT wait until next New Year to set a new resolution.

You should be setting big goals right now!

In this seminar, you'll learn the LiveTheGoals MAPP method to setting and reaching goals!

Learning the MAPP method will give you the tools to:

- Stop procrastinating on your goals

- Develop big goals that are aligned with your purpose and passion

- Go beyond setting SMART Goals

- Completely change your life in just 5 minutes a day

- Overcome obstacles and stay motivated to the end

Whether your goals are related to your mind, body, spirit or wallet, the MAPP method will keep you on the right path to success.

Take action so that you can Set and Reach Goals that Matter!

Seminar Taught By: Dale Richardson, Esq.
Member of the John Maxwell Coaching, Speaking and Teaching Team
& Host of LiveTheGoals Podcast

When: Saturday, July 23, 2016. (7/23/16)

Time: 8:45 AM – 1:30 PM (Eastern)

Location: LiveTheGoals HQ

*Light snack will be provided throughout the seminar

For Tickets and Info Click the Link Below

at LiveTheGoals HQ
981 Joseph E Lowery Blvd NW, Suite 110
Atlanta, United States

Orignal From: Road MAPP to Success: Set and Reach Goals that Matter

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