Tuesday 25 October 2016

Embodying the Unspoken Self: Attachment, Trauma, Neurobiology and the Body A Year-long Institute 2016 – 2017

Embodying the Unspoken Self: Attachment, Trauma, Neurobiology and the Body A Year-long Institute 2016 – 2017
We are at full capacity now for registration for the Institute conferences. We can place your name on the waiting list and will notify you if we are able to accept your registration. Thank you very much for your interest in the Institute and we regret not being able to register you at this time.   Each Saturday Conference is from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.  Registration in the Institute on Embodying the Unspoken Self automatically enrolls each participant in all four Saturday conferences.  Psychotherapy is known as "the talking cure." Through words, patients describe memories and inner experiences, allowing empathically attuned therapists to enter that world. But how can this process unfold when patients have no words for, and may not know, their own experiences? Trauma specialists confront the difficulties of working with material not available to conscious awareness and verbal formulation. P. Ogden, Levine, van der Kolk and others assert that the body holds the story and keeps the score, and that trauma may be revealed not in words but in somatic, unsymbolized sensory fragments and symptoms. Similarly, attachment researchers demonstrate the critical influence of injuries resulting from nuanced early failures of care during the preverbal period that set the stage for later dysfunction. In four full-day conferences, the Institute on Embodying the Unspoken Self provides the opportunity to learn state of the art science and theory of how the body contains and communicates unformulated material, and effective techniques to access implicit memory, integrate previously inaccessible pieces of the patient's past, and alleviate the patient's distress. The Institute opens with Beatrice Beebe. Through micro-analyses of mother-infant dyads, she explores the nonverbal dyadic system cocreated by mother and infant, then extends her findings to adult patient-therapist interactions. From the field of neurobiology, Stephen Porges presents his Polyvagal Theory, explaining how the autonomic nervous system assesses safety and danger, and how that assessment impacts our ability to respond and interact with the environment. In our third conference, Kathy Steele presents her innovative work on trauma and dissociation, exploring the impact of trauma on the integrity of the self and a three-phase approach to working with trauma. To conclude the Institute, Ame Cutler demonstrates the concepts and techniques associated with listening to the body from the inside, using Pat Ogden's Sensorimotor Psychotherapy approach that pays close attention to attachment issues and integrates cognitive,emotional and somatic experiences into treatment. Pre-Conference Sessions are also available: Three hour pre-conferences will also be offered the Friday before each Saturday full day session from 3:00 to 6:15 pm for those who are interested in deepening their understanding of the topics and their clinical applications. Priority will be given to those who are registered for the Institute.  Space is limited for the pre-conferences. 1st Conference ~ September 24, 2016 Infant Research and Adult Treatment Beatrice Beebe, PhD Preconference: Bringing Attachment into the Real World:  Exploring the Circle of Security Intervention September 23, 2016  -  Betty Ann Kaplan, PhD This pre-conference is sold out.  You can be added to a waiting list for future openings.       2nd Conference ~ December 10, 2016 The Polyvagal Theory Stephen Porges, PhD Preconference:  Prepping for Porges: The Clinical Relevance of his Work December 9, 2016  -  Cynthia Margolies, PhD     3rd Conference ~ February 25, 2017 Integrating the Body in the Psychotherapy of Trauma Kathy Steele, MN, CS Preconference:  Recognizing Dissociative Processes in Your Casework: Keeping the Body in Mind February 24, 2017  -  Rich Chefetz, MD     4th Conference ~ May 6, 2017 Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Treatment of Trauma and Attachment Ame Cutler, PhD Preconference:  Not By Words Alone: Body Based Interventions for Healing the Wounds of Attachment and Trauma May 5, 2017  -  Tally Tripp, MA, MSW, ATR-BC This pre-conference is sold out.  You can be added to a waiting list for future openings.         Small Group Experiences: Part of each conference will be spent in small groups. The intentions of the groups are to deepen participants' understanding of the material presented, offer exposure to techniques employed when working with the physical manifestations of developmental trauma, and consider how these techniques can be integrated with self-psychological and relational approaches to treatment. Participants enrolled in the entire Institute will stay in the same group throughout the four conferences. Efforts will be made to arrange groups so as to avoid dual relationships between group members. PARTICIPANTS MAY CHOOSE BETWEEN TWO TYPES OF GROUPS: EXPERIENTIAL GROUPS These groups will focus on experience-near activities which heighten our awareness of the language of the body and the experience of the five senses. Using exercises related to the conference topic, participants will attend to their here-and-now experience and will be invited to discuss their reactions. Participants may find these exercises to be powerful, and group leaders will provide preparation for the experiences and opportunities to debrief reactions within the safety of the small groups. INTEGRATIVE DISCUSSION GROUPS These groups will provide a forum for critical conversation based on the conference topic, deepening participants' understanding of the material being presented and exploring how these perspectives can be applied in the clinical setting. Some optional exercises and case material may be offered as vehicles for demonstrating concepts and considering their clinical implications.      See our website for more information, www.icpeast.org/2016-Institute.  Special Requests: Reasonable disability accommodations may be requested by August 1, 2016. A limited number of scholarships are available based on financial need. Contact the ICP+P Administrator, administrator@icpeast.org, for either of these requests.   Continuing Education Credit: The Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy+Psychoanalysis (ICP+P) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. ICP+P maintains responsibility for this program and its content. ICP+P is approved by the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners to offer Category I continuing education credit. Because ICP+P has approval from the Maryland Board, CE credit hours awarded by ICP+P may also be claimed by social workers licensed in Virginia and the District of Columbia. These continuing education credits meet the ANCC approval standards for nurses and the approved standards for marriage and family therapists. 7 CE credits will be awarded for attending each Saturday conference, at which full attendance is required to receive the designated CE credit. ICP+P is accredited by MedChi, the Maryland State Medical Society, to provide continuing medical education for physicians. ICP+P designates this educational activity for a maximum of 28 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s). Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Three (3) CE credits will be awarded for attendance following each pre-conference session. CE Credit is granted to participants with documented attendance at individual workshops and completed evaluation forms for those sessions. Credit will not be granted to registrants who are more than 15 minutes late or depart more than 15 minutes early from a session. * All Institute presenters and planners have informed us that they do not have a conflict of interest and have disclosed that they have no relevant financial relationship with any commercial interests pertaining to this educational activity. Additionally, the presenters have been instructed to disclose any limitations of data and unlabeled or investigational uses of products during this presentation. This presentation will not contain any references to off-­label (non­-FDA approved) use of products or devices.

at Georgetown University
3700 O St NW
Washington, United States

Orignal From: Embodying the Unspoken Self: Attachment, Trauma, Neurobiology and the Body A Year-long Institute 2016 – 2017

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