Tuesday 25 October 2016

The Literary Northwest Series Presents Jeff Fearnside and Jesse Donaldson

The Literary Northwest Series Presents Jeff Fearnside and Jesse Donaldson

The Literary Northwest Series is hosted by the School of Writing, Literature, and Film and their MFA Program. This event is free and open to the public and followed by a Q & A and book-signing.

Jeff Fearnside's short-story collection Making Love While Levitating Three Feet in the Air, a finalist for the New Rivers Press MVP Award and the Permafrost Book Prize in Fiction, was published in 2016 by the Stephen F. Austin State University Press. His fiction has appeared widely in journals and anthologies such as The Pinch, Rosebud, Many Mountains Moving, Bayou Magazine, Crab Orchard Review, and—most recently—Story, Fourteen Hills, Pacific Review, Valparaiso Fiction Review, and Everywhere Stories: Short Fiction from a Small Planet (Press 53). His writing has been nominated for Best New American Voices and three times for a Pushcart Prize, and he is the recipient of a 2015 Individual Artist Fellowship award from the Oregon Arts Commission. Fearnside earned degrees in Creative Writing from Bowling Green State University (BFA) and Eastern Washington University (MFA), and has taught writing and literature for many years at the Academy of Languages in Kazakhstan, Washington State University, Western Kentucky University, Prescott College, and currently Oregon State University.


Jesse Donaldson was born and raised in Kentucky, attended Kenyon College and Oregon State University, and was a fellow at The Michener Center for Writers in Austin, Texas. His writing has appeared in The Oxford American, The Greensboro Review, and Crazyhourse. Among other things, he's worked as a gardener, copywriter, teacher, and maintenance man. He now lives in Oregon with his wife and daughter, and a dog named Max.


For more information about the Literary Northwest Series visit http://liberalarts.oregonstate.edu/wlf/literary-northwest-series

at Oregon State Campus
11th Street and Madison Avenue
Corvallis, United States

Orignal From: The Literary Northwest Series Presents Jeff Fearnside and Jesse Donaldson

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