Saturday, 7 April 2018

Headache - What did you get?

When we had a headache, we didn't really think about it because we knew that a good night's sleep could do this, or it would disappear once the stressful period had passed. However, when the head persists or we feel a brand new headache and the pain is more intense, then when we are worried. We know four avatars:

  • tension
  • migraine
  • cluster
  • hormones
  • others

Most people will encounter the first two problems mentioned above.

Tension headache

Tension headache usually occurs on one side of the head, and pain is a kind of beating pain. In some cases, people with stress headaches are sensitive to light or feel vomiting. Fortunately, stress headaches do not last long. If you are lucky, it will disappear within a few hours; for some people it may take a day or two.


Migraine is the type of head you don't even want for your enemies. Migraines can fix individuals for days or even weeks. This means that migraine sufferers experience a period of unproductive because of intense pain and increased sensitivity to light. Migraine patients like to rest in dark rooms.

Cluster headaches

Like migraines, cluster headaches are very painful. As the name suggests, attacks come in the form of clusters. Pain comes and goes; just when you think you have overcome the first attack, another wave will come. The duration of the cluster cycle can be long and can be extracted (as long as several months) and can occur during the day or night. Cluster headaches are more rare than migraine or tension headaches. Only about 1% complain about them. Those who experienced cluster headaches described them as "unbearable", "brutal" or "weak."

If your doctor ...

head common disease, and usually do not need to go to the doctor's office for treatment, if the headache is different from your headache, you may need to seek medical advice is usually available if the pain is serious and Intense, if the head continues for a few days without any signs of improvement, or if you are prevented from doing routine work. If you feel a headache (such as when you are skiing or falling) an hour after you have hurt your head or an accident, you must also see a doctor immediately. Drowsiness, stiffness in the neck, vomiting, and feelings of limb weakness are also symptoms requiring medical attention.

Can headaches cure naturally?

Absolutely! People tend to contact painkillers or pain medicines, but they can only work in the short term. It is recommended to take all-natural dietary supplements that will help prevent headaches. Of course, stress is a key factor and may be the source of frequent headaches, so it is important to control and manage daily stress. The wonderful thing about using natural supplements to treat headaches is that they don't cause any side effects and they don't form habits. Most analgesics in natural remedies are plant-based, and the reasons why physiotherapists and pain specialists recommend it to patients. If you are looking for natural remedies to treat headaches, choose products made in the United States. You are convinced that you have passed the certified lab's health-care ingredients.


Orignal From: Headache - What did you get?

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