Wednesday 29 June 2016

Sad Hike // Upper Tanque Verde Falls

Sad Hike // Upper Tanque Verde Falls
Article Writing

If only some rich/famous person would discover 666isMONEY we could run ads in the New York Times and save the world. Here's a comment I wrote on our local newspaper website this morning:

Islam seems to be more of a political philosophy than a religion . . . a bunch of fairy tales, Judaism & "Saint" Paul too, irrational fantasies, the concentration camp in Gaza, etc. God must be pissed at these morons. Jesus (if he existed) was the Logos or logic of God. (John 1:1) This world is doomed! The Muslims are keenly aware of their demographic advantage . . . and Israel considers this their #1 problem behind Iran. (America is fighting for Israel, opium & oil.) "Christian" Zionists are the worst!

This was in response to NPR firing Juan Williams.

Someone responded: "What in the world are you smoking? Can I have some?"

Map link shows the trailhead.

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Orignal From: Sad Hike // Upper Tanque Verde Falls

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