Tuesday 6 December 2016

Creative and Expressive Writing for Women

Creative and Expressive Writing for Women
Narratives for Change, Creative and Expressive Writing Workshop for Women, is a community of adult writers ranging from newcomers to published authors. We meet for two hours and fifteen minutes, every third Thursday (Jacksonville) for six sessions. Our process lives in a small and intimate circle as an open and caring container, where we pour nurturing, trusting, and loving energy into our own and each others' writing. Each workshop session offers experiential exercises to stir creativity. We write real and imagined stories. Because we sometimes take risks in writing hard stories, we treat what we write as fiction and separate writing work as if it has its own persona detached from the individual writer. This separation creates a healthy way to examine internal stories that may silence us. We can then take "the unsaid" and turn it into artistic and literary forms of expression. Made available to each writer is an hour long personal one-on-one coaching session outside of the workshop time to focus on individual needs. A schedule of dates, times, and locations to meet for the coaching session will be made available on the first day of the workshop. Women who write with us experience a sisterhood of support and encouragement for writing raw and through the development of their writing craft, women experience seeing their work bloom. At the end of the six-week cycle, we hold a public reading to share (voluntarily) our writing. Giving voice to our writing has proven to be empowering and transformative. Our writing process focuses on encouraging your writing voice, where ever you are on the journey. Classes cover genres in poetry, fiction, autobiographical fiction, personal essay, memoir, food memoir, spoken word, playwriting and much more.  Location of class in Jacksonville is at Hope at Hand on Atlantic Blvd, in Jacksonville, FL.  Contact me, Yvette Angelique for information about the writing group at (904) 372-3771 or YvetteAngelique@gmail.com. Here is the schedule: Thursday September 29 from 5:30pm to 7:45pm Thursday October 20 from 5:30pm to 7:45pm Thursday November 10 from 5:30pm to 7:45m (may need to reschedule this date due to my writing residency) Thursday December 1 from 5:30pm to 7:45pm Thursday December 22, from 5:30pm to 7:45pm Thursday January 12, 2017 5:30pm to 7:45pm Thursday January 26, 2017 5:30pm to 7:45pm (the extended date to make up November date) The Thursday dates are for the Jacksonville location at 3886 Atlantic Blvd, Jacksonville, FL  32207. If you are interested in attending, I'll need to do a little orientation with you to ensure this workshop works best for you.  Cost for the workshop is 5. Cash, Checks, and Credit cards are accepted. A payment plan is available upon request. A non-refundable deposit of is required to hold a space and will go toward the cost of the workshop. Once the workshop starts, you are responsible for the entire balance of the workshop whether or not you attend all of the classes (think of this workshop like a college class). Questions? If you would like to pursue, let's schedule a time to talk about the workshops and get the paperwork to you to sign up! Thanks! Yvette

at Hope at Hand, Inc.
3886 Atlantic Blvd
Jacksonville, United States

Orignal From: Creative and Expressive Writing for Women

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