Tuesday 15 November 2016

Brexit's Economic Impact on U.S. Businesses

Brexit's Economic Impact on U.S. Businesses
Presents ConnectInvest Luncheon: Brexit's Economic Impact on U.S. Businesses LIMITED TO 3 GUESTS ONLY November 21, 2016 12.00-02.00 pm The Soho Loft Penthouse 152 East 65th Street New York, NY 10065   Looking for the hottest investors to back your venture or the coolest businesses to invest in? If you are in New York and have 2 hours to spare over lunch or tea do swing by at The Soho Loft Penthouse Rooftop Deck off Park Avenue to meet family offices and investors. This ConnectInvest Program event series is a great way to meet family offices and investors over a sumptuous meal for a private one-on-one session. We will be discussing exciting investment sectors, top business trends, and marketing opportunities for this industry and others. We will explain what investors are looking for and how you can pitch your idea or package your offering, the best and worst things an entrepreneur can do to get their attention, additional advice for entrepreneurs, and the best ways to reach them and other accredited and non-accredited investors. This and other events for Summer/Fall 2016 will run from June to October 2016. Pick the ones which fit your schedule and topic of interest. Browse for the latest schedules and for immediate booking: http://thesoholoft.com/summer-fall-2016-investor-events/ HOST   David Drake  Chairman,  LDJ Capital and The Soho Loft Media Group David Drake is the Chairman of LDJ Capital, a multi-family office; Victoria Partners, a 300 family office network based in London; LDJ Real Estate Group and Drake Hospitality Group; and The Soho Loft Media Group with divisions Victoria Global Communications, Times Impact Publications, and The Soho Loft Conferences.  Mr. Drake has been involved in TMT (technology, media, telecoms), realty, hospitality, cleantech, energy and social impact investments for more than 20 years. He is an advocate of innovative investing in early-stage equity, capital formation policies and developments globally, and the US JOBS Act which he lobbied for in the US Congress and the EU Commission. Because of his leading work in this space, he represented the US Commerce Department at the EU Commission in Brussels and Rome in 2012 and was invited to the White House Champions of Change ceremony in Washington, D.C. and as a speaker at the UK Parliament in 2013. His investment, The Soho Loft Media Group, produces and sponsors over 200 global conferences annually and his articles are syndicated in over 100 publications. One such event was April 2013 for the institutional media leader Thomson Reuters, with speakers from Nasdaq, NYSE, KKR and Carlyle Group. He advances financial innovation through his work as an international speaker and writer. He has spoken in top universities like Cambridge, NYU, Cornell, Columbia, and writes regularly for major publications like WSJ, Forbes, Huffington Post, Thomson Reuters. He is the co-author of the books Planet Entrepreneur and Crowdfunding and Other Animals and is the author of the upcoming books TheCrowdfunding Economy and LIFEE: Life Instructions for Entrepreneurs and Executives. Previously, Mr. Drake has acted as general partner in fund-of-funds, realty funds, venture capital funds, seed funds and hedge funds. Mr. Drake's holdings have media partnership with the European Business Angel Network, European Venture Philanthropy Association and Angel Capital Association of North America. He sits on 4 angel networks and has co-founded two angel networks. His focus today is to take on board advisory positions at companies, angel networks and venture funds, and to guide them on international regulations, corporate strategy and fund structures, with emphasis on the growing trend of online investment automation for retail and angel investors. Privately, Mr. Drake has hosted the Harvard Business Club of NY at his home, produced Carnegie Hall concerts and raised funds for the charities Trail Blazers and Best Buddies for many years. Today he is a board director for the New York City Opera Renaissance, London-based UBS Charity of the Year ARCHIVE Global, and a board advisor for The Washington Ballet. He is a board director also of the Carnegie Hall Einhorn Oratorio Project in honor of the Ukraine MH17 flight victims which allows him to work and advise US Ambassadors from, but not limited to, Dominica, Ukraine, Marshall Islands, Australia, Canada and Sweden. Born in Sweden and fluent in six languages, Mr. Drake has an MBA in Finance and an MA in International Law and Economics from George Washington University, where he was awarded the Wallenberg Scholarship for academic merit.   SPONSORS                 MEDIA SPONSORS     Join our affiliate program!    Just click on the "affiliate signup page link" below and follow the easy instructions, to generate your unique tracking link -  http://www.eventbrite.com/affiliate-register?eid=27381631196&affid=142657087 Through our affiliate scheme you could earn 15% of revenues generated from the sale of tickets. Payments are sent by PayPal after the completion of event.   Refund Policy: Up to 14 days before the event, The Soho Loft will issue a refund for the ticket price paid. Up to 5 days before the event a 50% refund will be granted. No refunds will be made available after this date. A substitute attendee may be sent. There are No Refunds or Credits for No-Shows.

at Folli Follie
575 Madison Avenue
New York, United States

Orignal From: Brexit's Economic Impact on U.S. Businesses

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