Tuesday 23 August 2016

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 8 Week Course

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 8 Week Course
The 8 week MBSR (Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Course)  provides a participatory learning experience with the practice of a variety of Mindfulness Meditation Techniques including: Breath Body awareness Movement exercises, and the application of Mindfulness into everyday life. Learning from an 8 week MBSR course can include The skill of paying attention, on purpose and non-judgementally, to what goes on in the present moment in your body, mind, and the world around you. Shifting perspectives and seeing things in a new more helpful way for you and those around you. Improved confidence in yourself and ability to face life challenges Improved self-care and relationships with others Improved creativity and problem-solving skills. An improved capacity to manage stress A calmer outlook in daily life A sense of improved physical, emotional and psychological well-being The course is entirely secular based upon the research and findings of Jon Kabat-Zinn. The MBSR course has gone from strength to strength, with critical acclaim and support from the international medical community. Here within the UK, the Mental Health Foundation has lent its support and endorsed the course. The course is taught over eight 2 hour sessions at weekly intervals including an additional all day session. All our courses at the Centre for Mindfulness take place in very small groups. The maximum number of participants is 08. Courses run out side the centre may be different. As well as being taught Mindfulness practices you have the opportunity to discuss these and your experience of practice with the group. In addition to attending the course participants should be aware that home practice is also an important part of the course, and time should be set aside each day to practice Mindfulness. This can be integrated into daily routines quite simply e.g. several times throughout the day take 5 Mindful breaths. Approach an activity mindfully e.g. brushing your teeth, eating a meal.

at Mindfulness Centre
1 Caldercuilt Rd
Glasgow, United Kingdom

Orignal From: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 8 Week Course

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