Tuesday 9 August 2016

Transforming the School to Prison Pipeline

Transforming the School to Prison Pipeline
Tough discipline policies and school arrests disproportionately push minority students out of the classroom and into the criminal justice system.   In a dynamic interactive evening of dialogue, poetry and storytelling, learn how mindfulness and writing programs are transforming systems in schools, juvenile facilities and prisons.Both speakers served prison time and have since then devoted their lives to breaking the school to prison pipeline.   Fleet MAULL One of the nation's leading teachers of mindfulness in the criminal justice system. Executive Director of Engaged Mindfulness Institute and Co-Director of Mindful Justice.  Author of Dharma In Hell based on his 14.5 years prison term. Founder of the Prison Mindfulness Institute.   Jimmy SANTIAGO BACA New Mexico's best-known poet. Screen writer. Producer of recently released "A Place to Stand," a documentary based on his memoir. Recipient of multiple prestigious literary awards. He learned to read and write in prison and facilitates hundreds of writing workshops in prisons, community centers, libraries, and universities throughout the country. Founder and Director of Cedar Tree, Inc. Light refreshments will follow the presentation Childcare is available.  

Albuquerque, United States

Orignal From: Transforming the School to Prison Pipeline

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