Thursday 29 March 2018

Head of water air song is sent east slope

Just eat east slope flesh,

       read again child look up article.

       Want to cut Yun Ju cap more,

       drunk lie seasonable rain booth.

       Lifetime wind blows billow to hit,

       cloud of idle of wild crane of be better than,

       tonight dream gentleman.

       Child in Jiang Shangyin,

       zhou Lang most become enamoured.

       West wind is moved,

       the desert is static,

       defend edge is peaceful.

       Mansion of bare heart total Xiang Hua,

       the day hangs a giant star high.

       Chang Sai an old fellow like me is mad little,

       enterprising of seize every minute,

       the heart at the beginning of chiliad solid.

       Day hill silver-colored dress a corpse,

       heart of courage jade crock.

Wuhan aid border teacher Liu Fuwen

Orignal From: Head of water air song is sent east slope

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