Thursday 29 March 2018

The dusk of the summit

The sun gets Yun Li bashfully

Afterglow flushed the horizon in the west

Put in the birdie of the nest 's charge

Did not have vocal

Protecting children to rest silently

Chu Dong's wind

Lost the tender feelings former days

Taking chirp tone

Blow cool the earth

Look down at hill issues the dusk of country estate

The smoke from kitchen chimneys that wind around waves in the wind vacate

On the road of village mouth

Have a few oxcart

Carrying exhaustion to go straight towards a thing each

The street lamp of solar energy

Blink is worn the eye of glare of narrow one's eyes

Send the contrail of setting sun gradually

A how excellent drawing

month is laughing to hang be in for nothing day ladder

Orignal From: The dusk of the summit

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