Thursday 29 March 2018

No title

   Go on cragged hill road

The fructification of crowded bumper harvest in a basket carried on the back

Flow to be repeatedly in the bosom of nature

Listening to oneself heartbeat

Suck wind Qing Dynasty to enrage flavor

Rest go up a little while

Glance summit slope falls

Feeling flies to blue sky like the pigeon

Carrying the happiness of one basket on the back

Fasten with path of the setting sun

Simple and unadorned friend

Touching the earth deeply

Still have hill tip that pine

   Fall in love with a person

Can be flashy

Forget a person

Often need very long very long

Those once happy days

In the dribs and drabs of the precipitation in years

Missing in confused life journey

The feeling that is familiar with only never goes far however

Resemble area of spring breeze stroke

Evoke a distressed memory constantly

   In those days the friend had been far from this world

His a basket carried on the back

Resemble a boat

Slip in the ocean of time

   That interest is slack

Resemble a book

Browse constantly in my heart

On November 19, 2017

Orignal From: No title

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