Sunday 25 March 2018

Answer your question without ability

Luo Su of gainer of Nobel literature award, address in Colombian university once. After the speech ends, audience begins to quiz. A student raised a question, collect element expression does not make a reply stupefyingly, have several minutes, his hand held chin in the palm to be immersed in contemplative. Passed a little while, he arranged the query content of that student, ask in reply next: "Is what you ask these content? " that student replies earnestly: "Yes. "Yes..

Luo Su was immersed in again contemplative, this time is longer. Next, this great learned man says to that student: "The question that you raise is first-rate, but I answer this question without ability. " immediately, proud smile was revealed on the student's face. After the speech can end, the student became a hero it seems that. But, is this student union candid in that way like Luo Su? When knowing, candid ground replies " do not know " .

The society is right " know " with " do not know " manner, decide our longer life manner.

-- say when knowing " do not know " , it is the rightest answer.   

Orignal From: Answer your question without ability

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