Sunday 25 March 2018

I and you are same

In the Mo Lisi city of American new jersey, young Daniel loses the sight because of accident, his after blindness mood is very low, feel whole the world already cave in, oneself life can have gone without the road. Pass what family reachs a friend to be persuaded for many times, he agrees with a blind school to undertake study eventually.

The first day when reach blind school in Daniel, a boy took him blind school to allocate his room. The boy is very patient and detailed the ground says to Daniel: "Now, I put your leather case in this left corner in the room, by of this corner, it is your chest; The first drawer can put your cravat, the 2nd drawer puts your shirt. The right of the room is your bed. The 6 paces are far place before in the bed is a door, give a door one pace is stair, stair altogether has 13 class steps leading up to a house. I had helped alarm clock you had been decided, can rise in punctual at 6 o'clock noise, after hearing a bell to ring, you walk out of a door, careful dot steps down stair, turn right next, go all the time along corridor, can take dining room directly. Can take dining room directly..

The boy is explained end, pat the shoulder of Daniel, say: "Good, you rest first. I went. I went..

"But, " Daniel is agog ground say: "Without giving thought to,you cannot keep my person ah. To me character, a darkness is all around. don't you know? I am a blind person, whats cannot see. Whats cannot see..

The boy goes to the side of Daniel, emphatically captures his both hands say: "Counterjumper, blindness it doesn't matter is marvelous, you can feel this world completely attentively, go feeling with both hands, go walking with double foot. Forgot to tell you, I and you are same, also be a blind. Also be a blind..

-- the heart is the brightest eye.

Orignal From: I and you are same

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