Sunday 25 March 2018

Of Abba await

Fall in a certain hamlet, issued a very big rain, the flood begins to flood whole village, an Abba prays in cathedral, soon the flood has wided the knee of his on bended knees. A lifeguard is driving barge to come to cathedral, say with Abba: "Abba, come up at once! Otherwise the flood meets what drown you! " father says: "Not! To the best of my belief sacred meeting saves me, it is good to go to you save others first. It is good to go to you save others first..

Passed before long, the flood has wided cross the wind of Abba, father is forced to stand on altar constrainedly. At this moment, again a police is opening mosquito craft to come over, say with Abba: "Abba, fast come up, otherwise you meet what be drowned really! " father says: "Not, I should defend my cathedral, I believe sacred and regular meeting will save me. It is good to go to you still save others first. It is good to go to you still save others first..

Passed a little while again, the flood had flooded whole cathedral, father is forced to capture the cross of cathedral top closely. A helicopter flies slowly, after air man dropped rope ladder, cry: "Abba, fast come up, this is last chance, we can not be willing to see you are drowned by the flood! " Abba or volition say sturdily: "Not, I should defend my cathedral! Sacred and regular meeting will save me. It is good to go to you still save others first. Sacred meeting and I am in together! Sacred meeting and I am in together!!

Pluvial billow and come, obstinate Abba was drowned eventually... on Abba heaven, see challenge very angrily after god: "Advocate ah, I am consecratory all one's life oneself, gingerly serve you, why you do not agree to save me! " god says: "How don't I agree to save you? For the first time, I sent barge to save you, you do not want, I think you fear barge is dangerous; The 2nd, I send a motor boat again, you still do not want; The 3rd, I with state guest formal wait for you, send a helicopter to save you again, as a result you still are not willing to accept. So, I think you come beside urgent consider wants to return me, can accompany me well. Can accompany me well..

-- when others extends aid, did not forget, only ourselves is willing to extend a hand to come, ability gives the family to go up help!

Orignal From: Of Abba await

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