Sunday 25 March 2018

Time and love

There was an isle once upon a time, there are happy, sad, knowledge and love above, still have other of all kinds affection.

A day, affection people be informed an isle to be about to sink, then everybody prepares a ship, leave an isle. Only love stayed, she wants to hold to the last moment.

Passed a few days, the isle should sink really, love wants to ask a person to help.

At this moment, rich taking course of a large ship.

Love says: "Rich, can you take away me? Can you take away me??

Rich answer: "Not, there are a lot of treasures on my boat, without your position. Without your position..

Love sees vanity is on a luxuriant boat, say: "Peacockish, help me! Help me!!

"I cannot help you, your whole body is drenched, meeting bang up I this beautiful boat. Meeting bang up I this beautiful boat..

Distress came over, love appeals to her: "Sad, let me go with you! Let me go with you!!

"Oh... love, I am honest too sad, think oneself a person stays a little while! " distress answers.

Beside joy has gone to love, but she is too happy, did not hear love actually calling her!

Abrupt, a sound transmits: "Come over! Love, I take away you. I take away you..

This is a better. Love be overjoyed, forgot to ask his name unexpectedly. After ascending land, better went away alone.

Love is thankful very much to better, ask another better knowledge: "Who is that person that helps me? "Who is that person that helps me??

"He is time. " intellectual old person answers.

"Time? " love asks, "Why should he help me? "Why should he help me??

Intellectual old person laughs: "Because have time ability only,understanding love has how great. "Because have time ability only,understanding love has how great..

-- only time ability understanding loves to have how great.

Arrived at 8 o'clock in the evening at 10 o'clock

Taiwan has a famous entrepreneur Chen Maobang, his speech often is convinced all audience. Especially the original story that he recalls a number is preterhuman and first-class, trading business volume of earning of the area of China ranginging from... to... and world each country, population, countryman, he very familiar with sth.

In fact, chen Maobang's record of formal schooling has elementary school to graduate only, he had the honor to win the reputation business doctor's degree that American emperor Nuo looks at to the university is issued however. One has the person of elementary school record of formal schooling only, how to obtain reputation doctor's degree?

How do we see him learn. 15 years old of cease acquire Chen Maobang clerk of store of one a letter from home, he works from morning till night everyday 12 hours. But after coming off work, read to become his enjoyment, the bookshop became his study, or sit or lie, hold the post of his roam. Day one long, his nurturance the habit that reads two hours of books at least every night. He worked 8 years in the bookshop, also read 8 years of books.

Chen Maobang has experience ground greatly to say: "Remember a such words: One the individual's destiny, the decision went to ten at 8 o'clock in the evening. The decision went to ten at 8 o'clock in the evening..

The knowledge that a person learns in college age place is very finite, and, advance rapidly of science and technology, knowledge and information are being updated ceaselessly. Only study just can gift lasting motivation. If not be good at learning, the knowledge that lacks not just cannot get complement, and, the knowledge that once mastered also will fall behind, grow this to go down to be able to be washed out by social place necessarily.

-- one the individual's destiny, the decision went to ten at 8 o'clock in the evening.

Orignal From: Time and love

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