Sunday 25 March 2018


 The atelier of Picasso of painter of good friend of haunt of classics of Si Tan of musician Lu Bin sees him draw. Bout, lubinsitan sees inside several months Picasso is drawing same thing ceaselessly. Setting is the iron baluster of the balcony, close shot is an a bottle of a piece of table, bishop, guitar. After Picasso drew near 50 similar work, lubinsitanbunai asks irritatedly: "Depict same still life everyday, you are tired of? you are tired of??

 Picasso glare he: "Don't you feel you are in blather? you do not know, each minutes are me different, each hour has new light, everyday although see same bottle alcoholic drink, but I can see distinct personality from which, see different bottle, different table, the different life in different world! In my eye, all these is different. All these is different..

Evermore, lubinsitan is in repeat when playing a song, all can play a different lasting appeal.

 -- each hour has new light

Orignal From: Change

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