Sunday 25 March 2018

What Xi Er covers with tiles is fluted

Amazon catchment is South America Brazil a dense intertropical and primitive rain forest, living here lots and lots of rely on to fish forever depasture the person of Ma Ka handkerchief that make a living.

Teenager Xi Er lives in Makapa made of baked clayly to a string of 1 in a kind in crural building, of condole foot building below it is river water. Home Xierwa and here swims herdsman is same, depasture in order to fish make a living. They go out is a boat, children all the day bubble plays in water, they each is surf ace.

Xierwa often sits below the eave of condole foot building, looking at the Amazon of surfy billow, blowing the whistle of the willow skin make it that comes down from the rub one's palm along smooth out with the fingers on willow branch. Hoarse whistle is in Amazon in the sky resound, asing if is the teenager's full worry...

Light of river water wave is crystalline, bold and flowing. Far, insignificant of mist-covered water grand, chaotic billow is monstrous. A kind of what kind of view is far having after all?

This kind of thought and daydream, be in in his heart everywhere depict is worn, was full of in the heart yearn for indefinitely and look forward to, in the teenager's look, much one broods and light sadness.

One day, an explorer comes to here. When explorer rests, took out a dizi to be blown. Fluted and ringing, mild and indirect, resemble the sound of sounds of nature, from Amazon catchment in the sky come down in torrents comes down. Fluted attracted Xierwa, xierwa comes to the side of that explorer, be like crazy if listen drunkly,wear.

He sees, explorer sticks the lip on flute aperture, 10 finger are pressed on those agile alveolus on dizi moving, beautiful, pleasant sound is passed from inside flute aperture. This kind of sound, the whistle that does with willow skin than him is close friends those who listen became much, he did not think of to there still is the thing that can play so Orphean tune on the world.

This explorer sees be like,Xierwa is listening aside crazy be like drunk, gave dizi come over, say to him, you also are blown.

Xierwa has received dizi excitedly. He gently caress is worn bright and clean, lubricant dizi, happy look is shown in the eye. He is learning the appearance of explorer, stick the lip on flute aperture, finger is pressed lubberly using flute opening, immediately, a kind of euphonic sound was passed from inside flute aperture.

Explorer listened, touching Xierwa's head, affectionately say, the child, you have musical talent very much, want to practice well blowing only, can become a dizi to perform the home certainly in the future. Additional, on this world, still have the musical instrument of a lot of, musical instrument of what accordion, violin, saxophone, trumpet, electron, a two-stinted bowed instrument with a lower register than Jingo is waited a moment, you should agree to learn only, can become an outstanding musician certainly in the future.

Xierwa is opening big eye, open-eyed ground is dumbfounded. He hears the world to go up to still so much is planted for the first time musical instrument, and these musical instrument, oneself had listened in the past, more never mention it had seen.

What explorer likes Xierwa very much is clever and bright, ask he wishs not to wish to become a conduct a sightseeing tour to him. Xierwa says gladly, I am brought up in Amazon catchment as a child, the one grass that is familiar with here one wood, big channel small fork, shutting an eye not to confuse a road.

Xierwa is getting explorer to be in Amazon catchment is expeditionary, they get dangerous shoal of jungly, experience. Explorer saw a lot of curious natural view that change plant and beauty here, filmed many photograph, explorer feels gains is very big, he thinks, if do not have Xierwa to become a conduct a sightseeing tour to oneself, oneself are afraid early got lost.

When parting, explorer takes out that dizi from gripesack, affectionate to Xierwa say, this dizi sends you to make a commemoration day, hope you can be blown in the future beautiful fluted, resemble Amazon drainage area of those beautiful birds vocal.

Xierwa sticks dizi closely before the bosom, sensation hot tear is filled with the socket of eye...

Sent explorer, also took away the dream of teenager of Xierwa. He sits on the board of condole foot building everyday, playing bamboo flute to the Amazon of insignificant of mist-covered water grand, beautiful fluted, resembled growing aureate wing, in Amazon in the sky resound. A lot of Makapa's nomadism civilian people say, xierwa, you are the lark of our Amazon catchment!

Xierwa is playing bamboo flute, often remember that explorer has said to him those all sorts of musical instrument. Some of what musical instrument are those? Those beautiful dreams, in the depict in his little heart over and over, he thinks, if can the musical instrument that saw with one's own eyes sees those are beautiful, that is how happy thing.

One day, he says to father, I should walk out of this Amazon catchment, go seeing those musical instrument that explorer has said soon in person, if possible sentence, I still want to play personally, go listening to those musical instrument to send an all sorts of pleasant sound that come. This is the dream with my the greatest life.

Father says amazedly, the child, person of handkerchief of our horse card never the person has walked out of this Amazon catchment, our greatest dream fishs here namely depasture, how can you go?

The Amazon that the Shui Bo before Xierwa looks at have sth in mind billows, sturdy say, I am walked out of with respect to the course that has taken along explorer, he can be walked out of, I also can be walked out of certainly!

Xierwa left parents, playing bamboo flute, toward Amazon go in catchment. Of leisurely fluted in Amazon catchment in the sky resound of for a long time is worn, also take the earnest wish of a teenager to distance...

Chun Xiaqiu winter, the flower blossoms fall, make old past. A day, a band comes to the Makapa of Amazon catchment, they swim to Makapa herdsman people conducted an another field concert, whole horse blocked handkerchief all to boil, pleasant, wonderful music tone, broke what the horse blocks handkerchief chiliad to become silent.

Letting what person expect is less than is, that is shake handshandle organ, it is to play guitar, it is the bandmaster that plays saxophone, it is the Xierwa of teenager of Ma Ka handkerchief that goes from here in those days unexpectedly.

Say of ground of banquet Er made of baked clay deep feeling, in those days, I am playing bamboo flute, all previous classics 1000 difficult 10 thousand danger, walk out of Amazon catchment from here eventually, came to capital Riode Janeiro finally. Be in institute of Riode Janeiro music, I saw explorer says those musical instrument that pass eventually. In musician people below guidance, I learned to make a variety of musical instrument eventually, become Makapadi a musician. I still established a band, be in all the year round Brazil and show of world each district. Every reach a place, I should explain to public to people, I am the musician that goes from Amazon catchment, a the most beautiful selva is over there.

Gradually, people of a lot of equestrian card handkerchief walked out of Amazon catchment this dense primitive rain forest, they realized people on one's own side to be born in one another dream. The some in them became explorer, some to became tourist guide, some to become a photographer, returned some to become worker of mariner, oil, actor...

Those who the reporter asks Makapa is presbyterial, how was so much talent walked out of here?

Ground of presbyterial for a long time is looking at the Amazon of billowy, slowly say, what Xi Er covers with tiles is fluted tell us, a person must have a dream. Dream, it is a kind of force is mixed powerful, it can take you to had flown high mountain, strong too lotic, see bigger, farther, more beautiful world.

(pick from " self-study exam signs up for " )


Sea broadness is jumped by the fish, the day holds the post of a bird high to fly. Does our everybody conceive the dream that putting to belong to his? However, what is a dream? What is a dream? Oh, the dream is to expect, and the dream is a kind of adamancy and force however -- be the courage that holds to wispy dream to regard us as ideal and clinging, it is our responsible to oneself highest state. Accordingly, had a dream we can rise formidably, can let " it can take you to had flown high mountain, strong too lotic, see bigger, farther, more beautiful world " .

Orignal From: What Xi Er covers with tiles is fluted

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