Wednesday 27 April 2016

English Functional Skills May

English Functional Skills May
Course Details As a student on a Functional Skills English course you will learn and practise the skills needed to communicate confidently, effectively and independently. This course supports the practical development of your English skills enabling you to gain the most out of your work, education and day to day life. During the course you will focus on three areas; Reading, Writing and Speaking & Listening. Levels of qualification available range from entry level to level 2. A level 2 Functional Skills qualification may be a requirement for work , apprenticeships or traineeships.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Course Structure & Teaching Methods The emphasis of teaching is on building up the practical communication skills that you already have so that you can gain the most from life, learning and work.  The context for learning is a range of real life contexts and scenarios, such as reading and writing instructions, articles, letters, e-mails and job applications.  In addition, the course will cover practical strategies to revise and improve spelling, punctuation and grammar. Entry Level skills aim to ensure that each individual is able to communicate effectively and develop skills in speaking and listening, reading and writing.  Within a Level 1 qualification you will: Take part in formal and informal discussions and exchanges that include unfamiliar subjects Read and understand a range of straightforward texts Write a range of texts to communicate information, ideas and opinions, using formats and styles suitable for their purpose and audience Within a Level 2 qualification you will: Make a range of contributions to discussions in a range of contexts, including those that are unfamiliar, and make effective presentations Select, read, understand and compare texts and use them to gather information, ideas, arguments and opinions Write a range of texts, including extended written documents, communicating information, ideas and opinions, effectively and persuasively                                                                  Teaching methods include tutor-led sessions, tutorials and discussions, plus individual, paired and group tasks. Where possible, the course will include examples related to your workplacement, apprenticeship or traineeship to support your learning  

at Immingham Resource Centre
Margaret St
Immingham, United Kingdom

Orignal From: English Functional Skills May

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