Monday 25 April 2016

The Minneapolis City Skyline

The Minneapolis City Skyline
Self publishing

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It's funny how taste changes, even in a short time. Earlier this fall, when I was just beginning to get into photography, I much preferred this to the look of the photo above. Both started as essentially the same shot, but I altered them in post processing. Even now, as I shoot more and more often on film (going as far as to return my 3-month old Rebel T3i (for a Fuji x10, for a more portable digital option)), I process with the understanding that my tastes and, oh, if we're feeling pretentious, my "artistic vision" will change in the coming weeks, months, years. And I'm ok with that. As long as I'm pushing myself to try new things and work on my technique, I consider that progress and each photo I publish here is just a marker of that evolution. I just hope that my future-self isn't as enamored with garish HDR/tonemapping as my past self was...yeeesh.

Orignal From: The Minneapolis City Skyline

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