Friday 15 April 2016

Get Grant Ready 2016 Faith-Based Grant Writing & Research Conference - Abbeville, SC

Get Grant Ready 2016 Faith-Based Grant Writing & Research Conference - Abbeville, SC
The Get Grant Ready- Faith-Based Grant Writing & Research Series will provide a comprehensive overview of grant writing and research for faith organizations. Faith- based organizations properly organized will learn how to become ready to submit applications for public and private grant funding. The Get Grant Ready- Faith Based Workshop will provide participants with specific steps on how to successfully create new entities as well as community specific programs and projects without the conflicts of interest that often arise with faith institutions attempting to serve beyond its congregations by serving the public.

This 3-Day Faith-Based Grant Writing, Grant Research, and Fundraising Workshop provides comprehensive information for faith-based organizations specifically in the South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia areas. The workshop is taught by Nikki Kirk, national grant writing trainer and federal grant reviewer with over 10 years of grant writing and federal review experience.

This interactive training will teach organizations how to successfully write grants proposals, develop budgets, find private, and public funding, and create new programs and projects with regards to conflicts of interest that often arise with faith institutions attempting to expand its horizons when venturing into serving the general public.

* While any individual or organization are welcome, participants outside of the faith-based service organization industry should be aware the scope and focus is faith-specific (Christ-centered).

Target Audience: Clergy, faith-organizations, faith-based schools, churches presently offering faith-based services and programming (public and/or private), individuals considering founding/creating faith-based nonprofit organizations, programs and services, and the general public.

What Attendees Will Learn:

How to determine where your organization is in the spectrum of readiness
How to formerly organize and apply for tax-exemption status
How to write grants (public and private)
How to create program budgets,
And much, much more.

This advance 3-day grant training is faith-specific, and tailored to the unique needs of faith-based and community-based organizations. The program outline is as follows:

Day 1 : Grant Research (Data)

This module encompasses all facets of the grant research process. Participants will be required to do a strategic assessment of their organization's needs and learn where to find both private and federally funded grant applications.

Day 2: Grant Funding Research (Public & Private)

This module will teach participants how to use the internet to locate private foundation grant funding as well as public (federal & state) grant funding opportunities. Participants will learn how to find and review Private Foundation tax returns (PF-990's), in addition to other tips that are essential in locating grant funding opportunities for faith-based organizations.

Day 3 : Public Grant Funding Proposal Development

This module teaches participants how to develop strong grant proposals using methods taught in Module 1 and our 3-day course, and includes an interactive lab. Participants will learn how to clearly describe program and agency or community needs, develop solid approaches based upon needs described, detail strong program management, and demonstrate to funders the benefits of your programs and services in the community. Participants will also receive a brief overview of grants management, fiduciary responsibilities, and due diligence, the three areas that get most faith-based organizations in trouble the most.

Interactive Grant Writing & Research Lab: (Day 1-3)

Participants are required to bring a laptop, tablet, or computer if possible to participate in interactive reserach & writing modules. Wi-Fi access will be available at no additional cost to participants.

Cost : 0 per person which includes all materials and light refreshments daily. Pre registration is required.

Pre-registration is required and includes materials. Seating is limited. Faith groups, churches, clergy, individuals interested in faith services, volunteers, and other individuals interested in becoming a faith-based public service provider or grantee are invited and encouraged to attend. For more information, please visit

Presenter(s): Nikki Kirk- Workshop Facilitator/Independent Consultant
Co-Presenter: Rev. Mazuilan D. London- Facilitator & Program Director of Faith-Based Outreach Initiatives

Hard copy handouts and training materials are provided. Lunch is on your own each day, but participants may bring their own food and/or beverages on premises. Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop or tablet. This class is interactive, and web searches and proposal development will take place in some modules. Participation is required, and is vital to learning.

at Long Cane A.M.E. Church
8 Long Cane A.M.E. Church Road
Abbeville, United States

Orignal From: Get Grant Ready 2016 Faith-Based Grant Writing & Research Conference - Abbeville, SC

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