Sunday 24 April 2016

The Small Business Empowerment Conference

The Small Business Empowerment Conference
Small Business Forum Radio's Empowerment Conference: Two days of workshops (featuring 15 of today's most dynamic speakers and business coaches) and networking designed to help you succeed in life and business. Presented at the beautiful Fort Mason Center- 2 Marina Blvd in San Francisco. Make new business connections, attend our workshops and come away with tips and resources to help you grow in 2016.  Tickets are for a day pass and for a 2 day pass Register at   Day One Thurs. 4/28   10-5pm 10-10:30-Tony Wilkins- Influential Networking – How to build a community of influential connections that turn meetings into revenue Building a business is about building relationships. Building relationships is about whom you know and who knows you and creating a solid relationship based on "give to get". And that's the basis behind becoming a "person of influence. It's not about making a lot of money per se (although that's still a good thing) but rather about creating opportunities and strategically creating and developing a community of people that can actually help grow your business. In other words, NO MORE COLLECTING CARDS. * Are you networking with people who only want to sell you something? *Are you networking with people with no interest in doing business with you? *When you meet with others what do you bring to the table that will make them do business with you? *What are they bringing to the table? * Do you come home from a networking event with a pocket full of business cards, but no real connections? * Are you struggling to close sales and build a solid prospect list and connections? It's time to create a networking circle of success and prosperity. Tony Wilkins is the host of the Internet sensation Small Business Forum Radio reaching over 150,000 listeners worldwide. Mr. Wilkins is also the publisher of Small Business Forum Magazine, Foodie Quarterly, and Podium Magazine and the author of 4 critically acclaimed books including The Career Whisperer, Telemarketing Success, The Single Person's Cookbook and Surviving the Economy.   10:30-11-Barney Kramer- How to build a team of leaders by learning the secrets of effective leadership As a business owner, your team is only as good as the people leading them. So when managing your team you have to ask yourself "am I creating an environment of success or setting my team up for failure"? In this session you will learn what the skills are that good leaders have mastered and why they are important to your success.   You will also learn a self-assessment method you can use to determine whether you and your team have those skills or not and if not how they can acquire them. And find out how to merge leadership and technical skills to create a winning formula for success now and in the future. What you learn in this session has been used to increase the profitability of many of the best known companies around as well as some really great entrepreneurial organizations you may know. Barney Kramer is President of Strategic Management Resource Associates, LLC. Barney has 40 plus years of Business Management and Consulting experience. Barney is an accomplished speaker, writer and thought leader in the field of business leadership and management. He was worked at all levels including national delivers practical information and solutions to real life challenges. His approach is derived from his own real life experiences with startups, turnarounds and expansions, several of which have been businesses of his own. His passion is helping others turn their ideas and concepts into workable plans of action.     11-11:30 Tonya Hofmann-"Change the World from the Front of the Room" Learn how to get booked, make money and change lives! Tonya Hofmann-CEO & founder of the Public Speakers Association & Career Speaker Academy -Host of Tonya Hofmann's Fabulous TV Show-Best Selling Author of 6 Books -Winner: International eWomenNetwork '08 Business Matchmaker of the Year   12-1pm Break 1-1:30pm Jill Lublin-Using Guerrilla Publicity to Get Known Everywhere Based on her international bestseller, Guerrilla Publicity, Jill Lublin shares her proven secrets to understanding what the media wants, and provides short-term, doable tactics that boost visibility, drive prospects to your door and profits to your pockets! Jill Lublin is an international speaker on the topics of Radical Influence, Publicity, Networking and referrals. She is the author of 3 Best Selling books including Get Noticed...Get Referrals" (McGraw Hill) and co-author of Guerrilla Publicity (Adams Media) and Networking Magic (Morgan James). Jill is a master strategist on how to position your business for more profitability and more visibility in the marketplace. She is CEO of a strategic consulting firm and has over 20 years experience working with over 100,000 people plus national and international media. Jill teaches Publicity Crash Courses as both live events and live webinars and consults and speaks all over the world. Visit and   1:30-2pm Howard Sambol -5 Secrets for increasing your Sales Conversions by 30% or more   Many business professionals use a hit and miss approach to their sales and thereby get far lower conversions as a result. In this presentation, you'll learn 5 distinct secrets you can apply to all your sales conversations that will: increase trust, receptivity, commitment and sign ups to your offer. You'll also learn how to skillfully overcome the common objections of money or time. Attendees will be eligible for a very special offer so be sure not to miss this presentation. Howard Sambol has successfully guided thousands of people to clarify their passion, purpose and greatest gifts, then launch a business in which they make money doing what they love. As Assistant Director of The AOL Career Center, Howard was a pioneer in the online career guidance arena. After working with Michael Gerber, author of the E-Myth, Howard won top sales award with an international consulting firm. In addition to his business success, Howard is a certified NLP Practitioner, Master Astrologer and has integrated decades of personal growth work into his Life Crafting Business Launch program.   2-2:30 Shannon Presson-Untangle Your Money Story.How to manage your money mindset so your business can GROW! Have you ever:    Over delivered but undercharged for your services?    Felt conflicted about wanting to make money?    Sabotaged yourself with issues related to money and self-worth Well, no more! In this engaging talk, Shannon Presson describes how we get all tangled up around our money issues, pushing money away with our beliefs and habits. If you are ready to break through to your next income level; if you are tired of watching others soar ahead with their success and abundance while you feel stuck in the same old place, this talk will uplift, inspire and point you in the direction of how to increase both your self-worth AND your net worth Shannon Presson is a Speaker, NLP Trainer and ICF coach certified in Equine Experiential Learning. She specializes in deep transformational work for entrepreneurs and creative professionals who are ready to up their work and leadership to the next level. In addition to running her current business as a belief change expert, Shannon also serves on the board of the National Association of Women Business Owners' San Francisco Bay Area chapter.   2:30-3pm Sean Stewart-"Objection Alchemy: 5 Steps to Magically Transform No into Yes in Your Sales Conversations Without Being Pushy or Sale-sy" Are you tired of losing out on ideal clients and leaving thousands of dollars on the table in your sales conversations? Do you often here, "I need to think about it", "I'll get back to you", or "I have to discuss it with my partner"…only to never hear from them again? In this talk Sean will teach you a simple and effective process for transforming your prospects top objections on the spot so you can triple your conversions of ideal clients in a way that EMPOWERS them to say YES, even at your high ticket rates. We'll also be covering •           The 4 crucial things you need to make sure say BEFORE your mention money in your sales calls that will increase your conversions by 50%. •           How the beginning, middle and end of your sales calls all work together and how to master each section with grace and confidence •           How to transform even the most challenging concerns that come up in your calls while making your potential clients truly feel care about them •         The #1 question you need to ask your potential clients that will increase your chances of them working with you by 10X   Sean Stewart is a speaker, coach and business trainer for heart centered entrepreneurs, coaches, transformational leaders and service based business owners. Sean's main focus is helping his clients attract and enroll ideal clients and build a lucrative, lifestyle friendly business they love. Sean's clients come to him to increase their sales and conversions and many of them break six figures in 12 months or less through his programs. Top leaders in the personal and business development space like Ted McGrath, Marni Battista, and Kelly O'Neil, have brought Sean on to increase the conversions on their sales teams. Sean has also been a featured expert on NBC news, Fox News and in The New York Times and with 15 years experience as a public speaker he inspires entrepreneurs around the globe to achieve their grandest life visions. You can learn more by visiting:           3-3:30 Marcia Chambers-Get Out Of Your W.A.Y & Lead!!~ Become the Trusted Leader & Explode Your Profits NOW!! • Discover the W.A.Y. • Who ~ With clarity & vision • Are ~ Confident & fearless • You ~ Trustworthy Leader others will follow Contributing member of A.W.E. ~ Aspiring Women Entrepreneurs Summit. She is an inspirational speaker with a focus in relationships and leadership and she loves helping leaders create massive growth in their businesses. • Certified Speaker and Instructor; Co-Director and Featured Speaker of the Public Speakers Association   3:30-4pm Kimi Avary-3 ways to gender harmony in the workplace You'll Learn:    * Why assuming that you and your co-workers are the same is a set up for misunderstanding, frustration, and job dissatisfaction. * How to use the magic of curiosity to heal all of your relationships. *   How learning to navigate the differences between women and men is the key to creating a collaborative, creative, successful working environment. Kimi Avary, MA, Relationship Navigation Specialist This talk illuminates the misunderstandings men and women experience in relating to each other and how to successfully navigate those differences in order to bring out the most creative and effective collaboration possible. Kimi Avary works with couples on the verge of divorce and breakup who are trying to figure out if and how they can save their relationship. She has been coaching for 20 years, and working with couples to help them save their relationships for the past 9 years. She holds a Masters in Counseling and a Bachelors Degree in Family Studies and Human Development. She is a certified NLP Master Practitioner, a licensed Relationship Coach, and PAX Programs Licensed Partner. She is an expert in helping men and women understand each other so that they can navigate and create the harmony in their partnership that they truly want. Kimi is a Minister and has been a student of God and Spirituality her whole life. She's been a student of Science of Mind for 15 years, and A Course in Miracles for 20 years. Kimi's upcoming book, "Falling in Love, Staying in Love" has been personally endorsed by John Gray of the Mars/Venus relationship series. She is the creator of the 90 Day Relationship Reboot Program, the Relationship Navigation System, the Relationship Clarity System, and the Beyond the Glass Ceiling Workplace Navigation System at Shell Oil.   4-4:30 Tracy Repchuk-You have 3 seconds to make an impression and either your websites are working for you - or they're working against you. Find out which and the 4 steps to reach millions with your message. Tracy Repchuk, International Bestselling Author, Trusted TV Resource, Speaker in over 35 countries and Branded Online Marketing and Social Media Strategist will show you the proven strategy to reach millions with your message. As an award-winning entrepreneur since the age of 19, she has helped thousands of clients get their message online.   4:30-5 Elizabeth Bachman-"From Talking Head to Super Star Presenter" Speaking in public is one of THE best ways to promote your business or practice. Learn to Maximize your Impact and Attract your Ideal Clients by Mastering a Signature Speech that Sells. Speaker, author and trainer, Elizabeth Bachman is known as The Starmaker for Speakers. She is passionate about helping people shine on ANY stage. Using her 30+ years of experience as an International Opera Director, directing such luminaries as Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo, she helps business professionals, authors and speakers to learn how to stand in your power, find your unique voice, close more sales and become known as the Star you are.   Day Two 4/29/16 10-3pm 10-10-30-Tony Wilkins  Making money as a speaker What if you could learn what decision makers are looking and get paid to teach what you know? Join Tony Wilkins for his second talk of this conference as he shares 5 easy steps for getting speaking engagements in less than 30 days. 10:30-11 Lisa G. Jing, M.A. (Lisa will replace  Mary Liu ) Wired for Success: The Neuroscience of Effective Leadership Leaders must think, make decisions, and influence others on a daily basis, often in environments of high stress, pressure, and complexity. At the core of such complex leadership, the brain is our most valuable resource, as it operates as the control center of our thinking and emotions. The brain determines how and where we choose to focus, how we react, behave and relate with others, as well as how we perceive and respond to stressful events. New insights from neuroscience are expanding our knowledge of both how our brain works and its subsequent impact on our behavior. In this introductory presentation we will: • Explore how brain health impacts our overall health, well-being, and performance in both our personal and professional lives • Discuss practical tips on how to nourish and care for the brain to increase our cognitive and emotional fitness • Learn the latest discoveries in the fascinating field of applied neuroscience which are revolutionizing the training and development world • Understand how to increase specific brain capacities critical to leadership performance using highly innovative technology that is stimulating, effective, and fun The competitive landscape of today's business world requires that leaders be at the top of their game. With a whole-person approach to brain health and scientifically designed brain training, we can rewire the brain for success at a neurological level, resulting in better, more resilient leaders. Lisa G. Jing is Founder / CEO of Synergy at Work, Inc., a coaching, training, and consulting company dedicated to transforming the workplace into an environment where people are their whole and best selves. Lisa specializes in an integrated, whole-person approach to Employee Well-being as a cornerstone of company culture.   As an accredited MyBrainSolutions Learning Assessment coach, Lisa uses highly innovative brain training technology developed in the field of applied neuroscience to help leaders understand and balance their brain functions across 17 distinct capacities for improved performance in their professional and personal lives.   Lisa is a Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist and a popular speaker at corporate and industry events on such topics as: Neuroscience and Leadership, Employee Health and Well-being, Diversity / Inclusion, and Passion at Work. She is a Certified Trainer and Program Consultant for Wellness Works, a workplace mental health training program offered by Mental Health America of California. A lifelong learner, Lisa was an Assistant Trainer and graduate of Peak Potentials Quantum Leap Business and Personal Development Program.   Prior to starting her own company, Lisa was recognized as a thought leader in health and wellness solutions in the corporate sector. As a founding member on Cisco's award-winning employee health initiative, Lisa developed strategies and implemented programs to enhance the well-being of employees and their families. Her focus was integration of mental and physical health to build greater resilience and sustainability in both individuals and organizations; development of industry leading metrics to optimize the human capital management strategy; and innovative approaches to explore how health and well-being contribute to overall employee engagement.   Her passion is to bring more spirit to the workplace through organizational culture change and groundbreaking programs which foster integration of mind, body, and spirit. To facilitate adoption of a whole-person approach, Lisa created The Diamond Model of Integrated Health and Well-being©, a distinctive conceptual and structural framework for designing strategic wellness initiatives.   Lisa holds an M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Loyola Marymount University and a B.A. in Psychology from the University of California, San Diego. Her career portfolio includes clinical counseling, healthcare marketing, technical recruiting, consulting, and human resources. She is a contributing author to the bestselling Adventures in Manifesting series.   11-11:30 Sumati Sparks -HOW TO MANIFEST YOUR WILDEST DREAM Learn how to consistently apply conscious creation practices in your business by being part of a fun, intelligent & supportive tribe of business-women, all focused on helping you achieve your wildest dreams!   11:30-12:00 Deborah Hoffman-Why Skillful Follow-Up Is Your Secret To Success   Are you tired of networking and not getting the results you want? Do you have a stack of business cards piling up on your desk that you don't know what to do with? Do you hesitate to follow-up because you think you're being pushy or salesy?   Join Debbie Hoffman and learn how to: -Network less and make more money -Double your bottom line with the same number of leads -Get tons of qualified people coming to you already excited about what you do   Debbie Hoffman is an acclaimed coach, speaker and creator of Power-Up! Your Follow-Up. She works closely with small business owners, entrepreneurs and sales professionals to sharpen their follow-up skills and become more confident and efficient with their follow-up and convert more prospects into clients.   Debbie was a successful investment banker with 20-years experience as Managing Director for Wall Street firms. Her extraordinary organizational skills were instrumental in building solid business relationships resulting in sales of over -billion. She also had extensive experience as a Wellness Industry Entrepreneur (16 years) building a team of more than 2000 consultants. Debbie authored a new book highlighting her proven follow-up system… due in 2016. website:   12-1 lunch 1-1:30 Justin Morgan-How to create a system for success and lasting change. Often times, we get hung up on failures, we create our own barriers, and get lost on our journey to success. Then we rely on quick fixes, weak strategies, and fads, to jumpstart our progress, leading to results that never last. You will move beyond this and learn how to create a system for success that allows you have lasting change. A system that is based on time tested principles and simultaneously allows for innovation. This system will allow you shift your mindset, build a new environment, and form new habits that lead to true and lasting success. Justin Morgan is an empowerment educator and NLP specialist that is focused on providing knowledge, techniques and systems in order to change the mindsets of people and organizations so they can fully realize the potential they are leaving on the table. He wants himself, and everyone else, to build a new and better future for themselves, their families, and the world .     2-3pm Panel Discussion 4/29   Join us on Day Two for a Panel Discussion with some of our experts including: Sean D. Stewart Elizbeth Bachman Barney Kramer Shannon Presson Kimi Avary Marcia Chambers Sumati Sparks Ivy Slater Tony Wilkins- Moderator

at Location TBD
2 Marina Boulevard, Room C205
San Francisco, United States

Orignal From: The Small Business Empowerment Conference

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